Policy aims

Our Philosophy: ´Nature, Health and Enjoyment´:

Our house is a place where you encounter a meeting of nature with people and health. The idea is to live an experience in the mountains, in a small, quaint, little mountain village, surrounded by nature, caring for others and, of course, having a great time doing quality activities at a very reasonable price.

Our desire to encourage and promote good health has also inspired us to create a health institute and provide courses and videos available online in order to share our dream with the rest of the world.

Economic responsibility

– Throughout the project, we have tried to encourage the integration of neighbours and locals; offering employment and volunteering opportunities and purchasing locally-sourced products.

– From the very beginning, we have implemented a volunteering programme and have integrated two volunteers into the Perezosa team for every ´Lazy Week´ of activities.

– As an entity, we contribute towards various collaborating associations such as ´Doctors Without Borders´, ecological consumption and Fair Trade.

Social responsibility

– Ever since we have lived in the valley, we have participated actively in the local community, supporting local societies, the primary school, festivals associated with local folklore and many other cultural events.

– With the collaboration of various local families we have created a cooperative for the purchase and consumption of ecological products.

– We have pioneered the practice and teaching of yoga in the valley of Liebana, offering classes in the centre of Potes and health and nutrition advice throughout the valley.

– At all times, we endeavor to develop tourism that cultivates maximum respect for the environment, the local culture and community. This is our essence, our philosophy and our mentality.

Environmental Responsibility

– We have the upmost respect for local wildlife and we make an effort to encourage the same respect from our guests, accepting the presence of both wild and domestic animals on site. Liebana is home to a spectacular variety of flora and fauna (wolves, bears, otters, wild orchids etc), with many species endemic to this region or under threat.

We see it as our responsibility and pleasure to be able to share this knowledge with our guests, spreading awareness and encouraging them to avoid doing anything that may negatively impact on the environment. We always engage in activities that are respectful of the local wildlife.

– Our lifestyle reflects the belief that recycling organic and inorganic waste is not simply a necessity, it is a necessary common good.

– We maintain rigorous control over our management of water in order to minimise consumption; a fundamental practice in these rural areas.

– The house is catered towards maximising the conservation of energy; it is well insulated and we use low-energy consuming light bulbs and energy efficient appliances.

– The renovation of our house preserves the local architectural style; it is made of stone and wood, as is typical in the area of Liebana.

– With respect to transport, we facilitate the organisation of car shares in order to avoid the excessive consumption of fuel. What´s more, our preferred activity is hiking which we naturally do on foot.

– A large amount of our supplies are ecological and/or cultivated by family or neighbours in an attempt to offer the best quality food at the most reasonable price, and always in a responsible and accessible manner.

Vacaciones alternativas - 2024

Información y reservas

649 749 388 

Horario: 16:00 a 20:30

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