Actividades 2025

March 28-30.

Intensive English with Max Yoga, Nature and Mindfulness

Intensivo de Inglés, Yoga, Naturaleza y Mindfulness.

Boost your English with Max, a native English teacher and enjoy a special weekend with a complete program of yoga, gentle hiking, mindfulness and relaxation workshops Juan and the La Perezosa team.


  • 180€ albergue.

  • 210€/200€ habitación 2/3 personas.

  • 230€ habitación individual baño compartido.

  • Plazas limitadas.


: I´m Max, an American expat with roots in Spain, who ended up in Liebana, and fell in love with the valley and nature here. After years living in cities in the US, I came looking for a calmer, slower life. I have always taken my energy, spark and openness with me wherever I go.

Yoga, Mindfulness and Nature...

Haremos yoga con Juan ( en inglés o bilingúe) paseos por la naturaleza, práctica de mindfulness y disfrutaremos de la buena energía de todo el equipo de la Perezosa.



  • 20:30 Dinner.

    Mindfulness session


          9:00-10:00 Sana Yoga with Juan (English level B2.2)

          10.00- 11:00 Breakfast.

  • Max Scheduled

    11:00 – 11:45 Introduction – in the yoga hall  A chance to make some notes on what your expectations are on the workshop and what you hope to learn about yourself as well as what you hope to learn in English.

     11:45 – 13:15

     A gentle walk during which we can practise mindfulness as well as talk

     about our surrounds.

    13:15 – 14:00

    Reflection – in the yoga hall A chance to unwind and discuss the lessons learned from the day. We will repeat this on Sunday.

    14:30 Lunch time

    Relax time.

    17.15 Mindfulness session with Juan

    Vocabulary workshop on: The body, mind, breathing, mind control… guided reading and doubts about the most important terms.

    workshop: Mindfulness session: Reading of the session -practice- living the common experience.

    18.30 Sana hatha Yoga Class with Juan.

    20.30 Dinner.

    Relax time.


    9:00-10:00 Sana Yoga: Hatha Yoga Class with Yoga with Juan.

    10:00 – 11:00 Breakfast.

    Max Scheduled

    11:00 in the yoga hall A chance to make some notes on what your  expectations are on the workshop and what you hope to learn about yourself as well as what you hope to learn in English.

    11:45 – 13:15

     A gentle walk during which we can practise mindfulness as well as talk  about our surrounds.

    13:15 – 14:00

    Reflection – in the yoga hall A chance to unwind and discuss the lessons learned from the day.

    14:30 Lunch.


Ten en cuenta que ….

Algún taller actividad se podrá cambiar, posponer o modificar en función del clima, del grupo o de las circunstancias del momento. 
LA PROGRAMACIÓN Y ACTIVIDADES SE AJUSTARAN AL NÚMERO de personas, al TIEMPO Y ENERGÍA del GRUPO!!! Y siempre en muy buen ambiente.

  • Todas las actividades son opcionales y libres, son propuestas de la casa para disfrutar Y compartir.
  • En cualquier momento cada uno decide hacerlas o estar simplemente a tu aire….
  • Habrá tiempo libre para charlar, para descansar en las hamacas, para las siestas, tomar el sol en el jardín y disfrutar de nuestros descansos…

About Max….

I´m Max, an American expat with roots in Spain, who ended up in Liébana, and fell in love with the valley and nature here. After years living in cities in the US, I came looking for a calmer, slower life with my family. I have always taken my energy and openness with me, and I started an English school in the valley in 2021. I am passionate about creating learning environments that focus on practical, real world scenarios, so what you learn helps you!
I strive to create dynamic, fun and interactive learning experiences in English, in a small, personalized setting.


10:00 DESAYUNO. 14:30 COMIDA. 20:30 CENA. 
Siempre habrá disponible fruta, frutos secos y un buffet de infusiones a tu servicio.

Juan F.P.Valle creador de Yoga  Salud, método Sana(SanaYoga) para saber más visita

. Si quieres saber más sobre yoga para la Salud, visita nuestra web o el portal de cursos online para ver los cursos de yoga.

  • Cursos online y test gratuitos de salud.
    Apúntate al Mundo Sana : Actualmente con más de 12.00 alumnos de todo el mundo practicando este método que une Ciencia y Conciencia para mejorar tu Salud, tu Felicidad y tu Prosperidad.


Para información e inscripciones llamar o escribir a La Perezosa,

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